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Enzymatic Cleaning Agent with Proteolytic Activity

Protolyse enzymatic should be applied weekly in analyzers, pipettors and tubing systems that are in contact with high protein contents such as blood, milk or lipoprotein.
Protolyse enzymatic is also applied for reusable reaction vessels such as microtiter-plates.

Preparation of working solution: Add 50 ml enzyme suspension to Protolyse enymatic 950 ml stock solution, and mix well.

Incubate with working solution for 20-30 min. If necessary increase temperature to 37°C. After cleaning rinse thoroughly several times with demineralized water.

Ordering Information: Cat.#: WAK-PENZ-1
950 ml stock solution
Active Ingredients: surfactants, enzymes, complexing agents, activators
Precautions: avoid eyes and skin contact Storage: stock solution: room temperature & light protected enzyme suspension: 2-8°C
Disposal: biologically degradable Materials compatibility: universal